How Smart Marketing can Boost Store Sales

Back in 2015 consumer research has shown us that over 70% of consumers are likely to purchase an item based on social media influences.  According to PricewaterhouseCoopers nearly half (45%) of digital buyers worldwide said that reading reviews, comments and feedback on social media influenced their digital shopping behavior.  And lastly, EMarketer Retail stated 7 in 10 US internet users will use social media regularly in 2017. Gen Xer's alone are 67% likely to purchase a...
Brand Refreshing: 5 Indications your Business needs one

Brand Refreshing: 5 Indications your Business needs one

As a small business we recognize the demands daily service and product development has.  We started this business a few years ago with a solid brand. We love our brand and what it stands for. Our brand identity is clear: we’re a creative, small business marketing partner to several small businesses around the country. Our brand is becoming established. But our brand personality has been lacking. This is what we do and why we completely understand…

Marketing your Brand on Social Media

Marketing your Brand on Social Media

Scripta diceret vulputate ad est. Amet dolorum qualisque vim an. Te per quem odio, pri ut vero doctus consectetuer, est ad brute inani electram. Ea causae latine accusam cum, sed tota summo oratio cu, vide labore vidisse eos te. Eum discere veritus neglegentur ea, solum invidunt urbanitas nec eu. Ei omittam consetetur mel. Pro justo nonumes petentium cu. Oblique ceteros inimicus eu vis, no nam sint senserit, nemore honestatis vis ut. Erat nostrum eloquentiam has…