How Smart Marketing can Boost Store Sales

Back in 2015 consumer research has shown us that over 70% of consumers are likely to purchase an item based on social media influences.  According to PricewaterhouseCoopers nearly half (45%) of digital buyers worldwide said that reading reviews, comments and feedback on social media influenced their digital shopping behavior.  And lastly, EMarketer Retail stated 7 in 10 US internet users will use social media regularly in 2017. Gen Xer's alone are 67% likely to purchase a...


V-Day is around the corner. But, we’re not talking about Valentines day. A lot of us grew up building valentines boxes for our school’s Valentines party and continued to do the same with our own children. Valentines Day is a time to celebrate one of the most beautiful gifts we have. LOVE.  1 Peter 4:8 tells us “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” Valentines Day is beautiful to celebrate....